Dray Web Services: Web Design Agency

Dray Web Services: Web Design Agency

August 2020

August 2020

August 2020

The Challenge:

The Challenge:

Dray Web Services, a reputable US-based web design agency, approached us for a comprehensive UI/UX redesign of their website. Their primary goal was to establish a modern and stylish online presence that exudes confidence in their services. However, they also emphasized the importance of maintaining a playful and easygoing user experience to resonate with their diverse client base.

Dray Web Services, a reputable US-based web design agency, approached us for a comprehensive UI/UX redesign of their website. Their primary goal was to establish a modern and stylish online presence that exudes confidence in their services. However, they also emphasized the importance of maintaining a playful and easygoing user experience to resonate with their diverse client base.

Approach and Strategy:

Approach and Strategy:

To meet the challenge, I embarked on a user-centered design approach, ensuring every aspect of the website catered to the needs and preferences of its target audience. The strategy involved:

To meet the challenge, I embarked on a user-centered design approach, ensuring every aspect of the website catered to the needs and preferences of its target audience. The strategy involved:

  1. User Research: Conducting in-depth research to understand the agency's clientele, expectations, and pain points. This invaluable insight guided design decisions.

  1. User Research: Conducting in-depth research to understand the agency's clientele, expectations, and pain points. This invaluable insight guided design decisions.

  1. Visual Identity Overhaul: I modernized the brand's visual identity while preserving key brand elements to maintain continuity and recognition.

  1. Visual Identity Overhaul: I modernized the brand's visual identity while preserving key brand elements to maintain continuity and recognition.

  1. Playful Elements Integration: The design features subtle animations and organic curved shapes, complemented by gradient fills and flat art illustrations. This blend achieves a sophisticated appearance while maintaining a friendly and approachable vibe.

  1. Playful Elements Integration: The design features subtle animations and organic curved shapes, complemented by gradient fills and flat art illustrations. This blend achieves a sophisticated appearance while maintaining a friendly and approachable vibe.

  1. Intuitive Navigation: We optimized the website's information architecture, streamlining navigation to allow seamless access to essential services and information.

  1. Intuitive Navigation: We optimized the website's information architecture, streamlining navigation to allow seamless access to essential services and information.

UI Elements:

UI Elements:





Design Implementation:

Design Implementation:

I meticulously crafted a captivating and stylish user interface, reflecting the agency's professionalism and creativity. The website showcases their extensive portfolio, services, and testimonials, instilling confidence in prospective clients.

I meticulously crafted a captivating and stylish user interface, reflecting the agency's professionalism and creativity. The website showcases their extensive portfolio, services, and testimonials, instilling confidence in prospective clients.

Key Features:

Key Features:

  1. Responsive Design: Ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

  1. Responsive Design: Ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

  1. Engaging Animations: Subtle animations and microinteractions were implemented to enhance user engagement and delight.

  1. Engaging Animations: Subtle animations and microinteractions were implemented to enhance user engagement and delight.

  1. Intuitive Contact Forms: User-friendly contact forms encourage visitors to get in touch effortlessly.

  1. Intuitive Contact Forms: User-friendly contact forms encourage visitors to get in touch effortlessly.

  1. Case Studies Showcase: We highlighted successful projects through case studies, reinforcing the agency's expertise and problem-solving capabilities.

  1. Case Studies Showcase: We highlighted successful projects through case studies, reinforcing the agency's expertise and problem-solving capabilities.



Dray Web Services

Dray Web Services

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Oleg Amelin. All rights reserved

Oleg Amelin. All rights reserved

